Stopping of ammonia addition to the exit gas can stop global warming

Shoichiro Ozaki *

Emeritus, Department of Resource Chemistry, Ehime University, Matsuyama, Ehime prefecture, Japan.
Research Article
International Journal of Scientific Research Updates, 2023, 06(01), 076–082.
Article DOI: 10.53430/ijsru.2023.6.1.0057
Publication history: 
Received on 28 June 2023; revised on 15 August 2023; accepted on 17 August 2023
Global warming is caused by the elimination of NOx. NOx elimination decrease CO2 assimilation, CO2 fix and heat absorption. Lack of N is caused by the elimination of NOx. Global warming will stop if developed countries stop the elimination of NOx. CO2 assimilation will be activated and global warming will stop. But developed countries hated NOx and are eliminating NOx by the reaction with ammonia Amount of NOx is much and amount of ammonia is much Much money is necessary to prepare ammonia. Much CH4 is necessary to prepare hydrogen. Toxity of NOx is almost zero and NOx is good fertilizer. NOx should be released without adding ammonia.
NOx; CO2 assimilation; NOx elimination by ammonia; Carbon neutral; Global warming; GWPR
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