A study to assess knowledge and attitude regarding vitamin A deficiency among mothers of under five children in selected pediatric OPD, WB
Medical Surgical Nursing Specialty, Royal Institute of Nursing and Medical Sciences, Durgapur, WB, India.
Research Article
International Journal of Scientific Research Updates, 2023, 06(02), 017–029.
Article DOI: 10.53430/ijsru.2023.6.2.0066
Publication history:
Received on 02 September 2023; revised on 17 October 2023; accepted on 20 October 2023
Aim: This study intends to focus on assessment of knowledge and attitude regarding vitamin A deficiency among mothers of under five children in selected Paediatric OPD, West Bengal. 100 participants were selected through purposive sampling technique.
Materials and Methods: Data were selected through interviewing technique using structured interview schedule.
Results: It revealed that most of the mothers (55%) had average knowledge, (28%) mothers had good knowledge, and (17%) mothers had poor knowledge. Knowledge score ranged from 1-12 with mean 7.1 and median 7.5 and calculated SD was 2.4. It also revealed that most of the mothers (60%) of under five children had good attitude, (34%) mothers had average attitude and (6%) mothers had poor attitude. Attitude score ranged from 1-10 with mean 7.6 and median 7.1 and calculated SD was 1.8. There was significant association with knowledge score and selected demographic variables, like- age of mothers, educational qualification, distance of health centre from home and any missed dose of baby. There was also significant association between attitude score with selected demographic variables like- educational qualification, habitant, distance of health centre and visited health centre along with children. The study findings have significant implications for nursing administration and research.
Assess; Mothers of under five children; Knowledge; Attitude; Vitamin A deficiency
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