Influence of the quality of canal obturation and prosthetic restoration on the peri-apical region
1 Department of Conservative Odontology Endodontics, Institute of Tropical Odonto-Stomatology of Madagascar, University of Mahajanga Madagascar.
2 Prosthetics Department, Institute of Tropical Odonto-Stomatology of Madagascar, University of Mahajanga Madagascar.
Department of Odontostomatology, IOSTM Mahajanga Madagascar BP 98, Madagascar.
Research Article
International Journal of Scientific Research Updates, 2023, 05(02), 090–098.
Article DOI: 10.53430/ijsru.2023.5.2.0048
Publication history:
Received on 12 May 2023; revised on 20 June 2023; accepted on 23 June 2023
The periapical inflammatory lesion of endodontic origin (LIPOE) is a very common condition and constitutes both a diagnostic and a therapeutic challenge in dentistry.
The present study aims to describe the frequency of LIPOE after endodontic treatment consecutive to the quality of root canal fillings and prosthetic restorations of abutment teeth and to identify the qualities of root canal fillings and prosthetic restorations associated with the occurrence of LIPOE.
This is a prospective, descriptive and cross-sectional study carried out from March 2019 to August 2022. One hundred and eighty patients wearing Joint Prostheses for at least 2 years with endodontically treated abutment teeth have been recruited; the evaluation of the quality of prosthetic restoration was established according to the criteria of Hickel R while the quality of the root canal filling was judged according to the criteria of Schaeffer MA.
The frequency of LIPOE on the abutment teeth was 59.4%. The results highlighted that inadequate quality of prosthetic restoration and root canal filling is associated with the occurrence of LIPOE with a highly significant difference (p˂0.000)
In order, to reduce the prevalence of LIPOE and mitigate its effects, it is essential to follow the rules of the art when considering mechanical and biological imperatives during endodontic treatment, as well as good training in prosthetic restoration.
Apical periodontitis; Fixed prosthesis; Endodontic treatment; Root canal fillings; Prosthetic restorations
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