The effect of soil moisture conservation technique on the resilience of parkia biglobosa: Survival and growth of seedlings in field plantation in southern Mali

Bokary Allaye Kelly 1, *, Amadou Malé Kouyaté 2 and Sidiki Gabriel Dembélé 3

1 Institute for Rural Economy, Forest Resources Program, Regional Agronomical Research Centre of Sikasso, BP 16 Sikasso, Mali.
2 Institute for Rural Economy, General Direction, Mali.
3 Rural Polytechnic Institute/Institute of Training and Applied Research (RPI/ITAR) of Katibougou, Mali.
Research Article
International Journal of Scientific Research Updates, 2023, 05(02), 025–037.
Article DOI: 10.53430/ijsru.2023.5.2.0037
Publication history: 
Received on 08 March 2023; revised on 26 April 2023; accepted on 29 April 2023
Parkia biglobosa faces several constraints like ageing population, mortality and poor natural regeneration. To contribute to the domestication of the species and improve its resilience to drought, a study was conducted in southern Mali. Studied factors were the Provenance (North Sudanian “NS”, South Sudanian “SS”, North Guinean “NG) and Soil Moisture Conservation Technique “SMCT” (Half-moons made with Rubble Stones “H-M R”, Half-moons made with Ground “H-M G” and the Control). The average survival rate was 50% and the highest mean survival rate (78%) was observed at Diou 24 months after planting. For provenance, survival rate varied from 47% (NS and SS) to 58 % (NG) at Somasso, 18% (NG) to 28% (NS) at Zanzoni and 73% (NG) to 83% (NS) at Diou. For SMCT, survival rate ranged from 48% (H-M G and Control) to 56% (H-M R) at Somasso, 17% (Control) to 28% (H-M G) at Zanzoni and 76% (H-M G) to 82% (H-M R) at Diou. The mean height was 37 cm, 24 months planting. The highest mean height (42 cm) was observed at Somasso. A significant interaction Provenance*SMCT was observed at Zanzoni. The highest mean height (72 cm) was observed in the combination (SS*H-M G). The result of the study revealed that the use of SMCT particularly half-moon made with rubble stones could improve the resilience of P. biglobosa and renew the agroforestry parklands. This allows maintaining the biodiversity of parklands in the sudanian and sudano-guinean zones.
Domestication; Half-moon; Parkia biglobosa; Provenance; Parkland; Revegetation
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