The effect of giving cassava peel flour (Manihot utilissima) in ration on the performance of Quail (Coturnix-Coturnix japonica)

Alfath Rusdhi * and Purwo Siswoyo

Department of Animal Husbandry, Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Pembangunan Panca Budi, Indonesia.
Research Article
International Journal of Scientific Research Updates, 2022, 04(02), 260-266.
Article DOI: 10.53430/ijsru.2022.4.2.0195
Publication history: 
Received on 06 November 2022; revised on 20 December 2022; accepted on 22 December 2022
This study aims to determine the effect of giving cassava peel flour at various levels of ration administration on ration consumption, body weight gain, and ration conversion in quail aged 1-6 weeks. With the treatment level T0 = without adding cassava peel flour, T1 = 3% cassava peel flour, T2 = 6% cassava peel flour, T3 = 9% cassava peel flour. Data were analyzed by means of variance with parameters of ration consumption, body weight gain, and ration conversion. The design used was a non-factorial complete randomized design (CRD) with 4 treatments and 5 replications consisting of 5 animals. The results of the analysis of variance showed that all treatments had no significant effect or were unable to balance the T0 treatment with 0% cassava peel flour as a control or comparison feed on ration consumption.
Cassava peel flour; Performance; Quail; Ration
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