The use of p-toluensolfonic acid to manage biofilm effectively (C-deb)

Giampietro Bertasi 1, 2, *

1 University of Padua, Italy,
2 Private Vulnology Office Verona, Italy.
Research Article
International Journal of Scientific Research Updates, 2022, 04(02), 201–206.
Article DOI: 10.53430/ijsru.2022.4.2.0187
Publication history: 
Received on 26 October 2022; revised on 10 December 2022; accepted on 12 December 2022
A biofilm can be described as a microbial colony encased in polysaccharide matrix which can become attached to a wound surface. This can affect the healing potential of chronic wounds due to the production of destructive enzymes and toxins which can promote a chronic inflammatory state within the wound. There appears to be a correlation between biofilms and non-healing in chronic wounds. It is suggested that biofilms are a major player in the chronicity of wounds.
P-toluensulfonic acid: C-deb; Biofilm; Wound Healing; Diabetes; Chronic Wounds; Adjunctive debridement agent
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