Concept of Dravya (drug) and its classification: A brief review
Department of Dravyaguna Vijnana, Shri Ravi Patil Health and Education Society’s, Dr Ravi Patil Ayurvedic Medical college, Hospital and Research Centre, Honaga, Belagavi, Karnataka, India.
International Journal of Scientific Research Updates, 2022, 04(01), 250–261.
Article DOI: 10.53430/ijsru.2022.4.1.0133
Publication history:
Received on 04 August 2022; revised on 09 September 2022; accepted on 11 September 2022
To eradicate the disease the drugs play a vital role in the treatment management. The Dravya or the drug placed in second prime important place in the Chikitsa Chatushpada (Four limbs of treatment) in Ayurveda viz; Bhishak (Physician), Aushadha (Drug), Upasthata or Paricharaka (Nurse or attender), Rogi (Patient). There are four branches of Dravya as per Ayurvedic classics. Viz; Nama Rupa Jnana (Pharmacognosy), Guna Karma (Pharmacology), Prayoga Jnana (Pharmacotherapeutics), Sanyoga Jnana (Pharmacy). According to Charaka Samhita the Guna (Properties) and Karma (Actions) are present in inseparable relationship called Samavayi Karana. All the drugs in the universe are made up of five proto elements. These proto elements called as Panchamahabhuta. The drug is made up of five factors are called as Karana Dravyas. These are nine in number. Viz; Akasha (Sky element), Vayu (Air element), Teja (Fire element), Prithwi (Earth element), Jala (Water element), Mana (Mind factor), Kala (Time factor), Disha (Direction), and Atma (Soul factor) factors. According to Rasa Vaisheshika (One of the Indian alchemy book) the drugs contain Rasa (Taste), Guna (Qualities), Virya (Active potency), Vipaka (Post digestive effect), Prabhava (Specific effects) five factors. Most of the time the drug is administered in an empty stomach to achieve the larger amount of absorption. But in some cases like Asthama, Hikka (Hiccough), Atisara (Diarrhea), Trishna (Excessive thirst), the drug should be administered on and often to achieve desired effects. There are 11 types of time of administration is mentioned. Viz; Abhakta (Empty stomach), Pragbhakta (Before meal), Madhyabhakta (During meal), Adhobhakta (After meal), Samabhakta (With food), Antarbhakta (Between two meal), Samudga (Before and after meals), Muhurmuhu (On and often), Sagrasa (Mith first morsel of food), Grasantara (Between morsels), Nisha (Bed time). The present work is dealt with the detail information about the drug, the drugs acting on various body systems and the some of the drugs with its classification based on various Ayurvedic texts.
Dravya; Drug classification; Ayurvedic classical texts; Charaka Samhita; Sushruta Samhita; Asthanga Hridaya
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