Common side effects of Johnson and Johnson COVID-19 vaccine in Ruffaa city, Gezira, Sudan January (2022)
1 Susan Ali Zroog, department of nursing sciences, Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences- University of Al-Butana, Sudan.
2 Yassin hamed Mohamed Nor- Aldaiem, department of nursing sciences, Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences- University of Al-Butana, Sudan
3 Mohamed Abdalla Mohamed Gebralla, Health affairs, Department, Ministry of Health, Gezira State. Sudan.
4 Abdelhakam Hassan Ali, department of microbiology, Faculty of Medical laboratory sciences, university of Albutana. Sudan,
Research Article
International Journal of Scientific Research Updates, 2022, 04(01), 155–162.
Article DOI: 10.53430/ijsru.2022.4.1.0109
Publication history:
Received on 04 July 2022; revised on 08 August 2022; accepted on 10 August 2022
Background: The Johnson & Johnson (J&J)/Janssen vaccine was listed for emergency use by WHO on 12 March 2021. The vaccine has been authorized for use in Europe, the United States and other countries.
Objectives: This study was conducted to study common side effects of Johnson & Johnson vaccine and the factors associated with adverse effect.
Methods: A cross-sectional community based study conducted at Ruffaa city on January (2022), the sample consisted of 361 participants. Data were collected by using questionnaire designed for this study. Data analysis was performed using statistical package for Social Sciences.
Results: the study revealed that most of participants (83%) was suffered from local side effects more than halve of them complain from pain in site of injection, Pain & Swelling < 5cm (8%), Pain, and Swelling & Redness More than 3 days (7%). And 76% of participants complain from General side effects 19% of them complain from Fever, (10%) complain from Fever, headache, muscle aches and fatigue. there is statistical relation between pre-existing chronic disease, sex and common side effects of vaccine.
The study also revealed that side effects start directly after injection in (63%) of participants. And continue in (87%) from 1-3 days. Study also shows (3%) of participant infected with Covid -19 after vaccination and all of them were hospitalized.
Conclusion: The Johnson & Johnson's Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine did not appear to cause any dangerous complications.
Side effects; Johnson & Johnson's Janssen; COVID-19; Vaccine
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