Study design and implementation of a pyrolysis device for the production of fuel and gas from plastic waste
1 Department of Environmental Engineering Technologies, College of Technical Engineering, University of Aleppo, Syria.
2 Dean Graduate College & Scientific Studies, Al-Razi University, Khartoum, Sudan.
Research Article
International Journal of Scientific Research Updates, 2022, 04(02), 073–085.
Article DOI: 10.53430/ijsru.2022.4.2.0153
Publication history:
Received on 07 September 2022; revised on 10 October 2022; accepted on 13 October 2022
In this study, a local pyrolysis system was created to recover oil from used polypropylene (PP) plastic waste for the production of fuel and gas. The system was initially tested with two kilograms of waste plastic for three hours. This technique displays various sustainable development in terms of energy, using gas as the primary source of heat and using gas created throughout the process as a secondary or auxiliary source to hasten the decomposition process. The reactor chamber's original size could not support the pressure needed for the pyrolysis process. The second experiment was modified to have the following dimensions: height (30 cm), diameter (15 cm), and thickness (5 mm) resulting in a volume of 5301.44 cm3. A volume of one liter of liquid fuel, grease, and gas in various percentages of 80%, 10%, and 10%, respectively, was produced from one kilogram of type (PP) waste. Additionally, the heat pressure inside the chamber rises as the pyrolysis breakdown temperature grows. The research recommends utilizing catalysts in the pyrolysis of (PP) production to reduce the temperature necessary to break the bonds between hydrocarbon molecules. It is necessary to carry out an isolation process for plastic waste before the pyrolysis process. It is preferred to physically treat plastic waste, such as shredding and cutting it into little pieces before using it and depositing it in a pyrolysis device, while also adhering to occupational safety and security regulations.
Fuel; Plastic waste; Polypropylene; Pyrolysis; Thermolysis; Useful energy
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