Stopping of NOx, NP elimination is easiest method to stop global warming
Emeritus, Ehime University Matsuyama. Ehime prefecture, Japan.
International Journal of Scientific Research Updates, 2023, 05(01), 067-078.
Article DOI: 10.53430/ijsru.2023.5.1.0005
Publication history:
Received on 01 December 2022; revised on 11 January 2023; accepted on 14 January 2023
Global warming is caused by the lack of N and P and decrease of CO2 assimilation and decrease of CO2 fix and decrease of heat absorption. Lack of N and P is caused by the elimination of NOx and NP in waste water.
Developed countries eliminating NOx by immersion of ammonia to the exit gas and eliminating NP in waste water. Global warming will stop if developed countries stop the elimination of NOx and NP. CO2 assimilation is activated and Global warming will stop In addition production of grain and fish will increase and GDP, national wealth and population will increase. The goal “CO2 increase zero and growth” described in Paris Agreement can be accomplished sooner than 2050. Stopping of ammonia addition to the exit gas and stopping of NP elimination in waste water can stop global warming.
NOx; CO2 assimilation; NOx elimination by ammonia; Carbon neutral; Separate key words; Stop of global warming; GWPR
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