Rubella-specific IgM antibodies in non-pregnant women in Rivers State, Nigeria
1 Virus Research Unit, Department of Microbiology, University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria.
2 Department of Medical Laboratory Science, PAMO University of Medical Sciences, Rivers State, Nigeria.
Research Article
International Journal of Scientific Research Updates, 2022, 04(01), 204–209.
Article DOI: 10.53430/ijsru.2022.4.1.0102
Publication history:
Received on 29 June 2022; revised on 15 August 2022; accepted on 17 August 2022
Rubella can cause arthritis in some women's fingers, wrists, and knees, especially if the infection is complicated. Scarcity of information about the disease in Nigeria, and rubella vaccination is not widely available. This study aimed to look for rubella virus IgM antibodies in non-pregnant women in Rivers State.
Method: Ninety-two (92) consenting non-pregnant women attending Rivers State University Teaching Hospital, Rivers State, were randomly assessed for the study. The sera were analyzed for detectable anti-rubella IgM antibodies following the manufacturer’s description using ELISA kits.
Results: Of the 92 samples evaluated for rubella Immunoglobulin M antibody, 14 (15.2%) were positive, and 78 (84.8%) were negative. None of the socio-demographic factors had significant relation with Rubella anti-IgM seroprevalence (p<0.05).
Conclusion: The substantial frequency of IgM antibodies demonstrated the existence of the virus and the possibility of new infections of Rubella in non-pregnant women. To determine the predominance of the rubella infection and subsequently design control tactics against it, a surveillance strategy and education of women regarding the implications of the existence of IgM antibodies would be helpful.
Rubella; IgM antibodies; Non-pregnant women; Nigeria
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