Prevention and control of diabetes by intake of succulent biomedicines and following of designed lifestyle: A ready plan for execution
Assistant Director, ARD (Vet. Res. Invest.), Govt. of West Bengal, India.
Research Article
International Journal of Scientific Research Updates, 2022, 03(02), 081–103.
Article DOI: 10.53430/ijsru.2022.3.2.0047
Publication history:
Received on 18 April 2022; revised on 22 May 2022; accepted on 25 May 2022
Background: Diabetes is an important disease without any available medicine to cure it. Lifestyle is having some strong roles in the initiation and progression of the disease. Plant resources are so far studied to get effective medicines for that disease only in their dry state, either directly or on the diluents-extracted sections to identify the active principles to synthesize marketable drugs, but achieved very limited success. The anti-diabetic medicinal plants contain a huge number of phyto-constituents at their succulent stage, all of which can work together when used unaltered for this purpose.
Methods: Identification of commonly used anti-diabetic plants from previous reports was targeted to find out a few plants with strong potency for their use as some succulent biomedicines against diabetes. Standardization of a layout for the production of such medicines from these plants was attempted along with a listing of the lifestyle-related factors of diabetes.
Result: The succulent plant materials can be encapsulated inside bio-encapsulating materials with bio-preservatives following the standard techniques of drug development with some modifications and can be transported to the patients under a cold chain. A brief list of reported anti-diabetic medicinal plants is added and forty plants are selected for the production of anti-diabetic biomedicines. The layout of all the related techniques is added. The lifestyle-related factors are identified and scopes for their modification are discussed.
Conclusion: Triggering of the genetic predisposition for diabetes can be prevented and the severity of the disease can be minimized by incurring some modification in lifestyle and intake of some succulent biomedicine capsules.
Diabetes; Herbal therapy; Anti-diabetic plants; Succulent biomedicines; Lifestyle modification
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