Identification of methods of extraction and conservation of seeds of traditional genotypes of aubergine (Solanum melongena L.) in El Retiro de los Indios, Córdoba, Colombia
Faculty of Agricultural Sciences of the University of Córdoba. Carrera 6 No. 77- 305, Montería, Córdoba, Colombia.
Research Article
International Journal of Scientific Research Updates, 2021, 02(01), 017–021.
Article DOI: 10.53430/ijsru.2021.2.1.0040
Publication history:
Received on 24 October 2021; revised on 28 November 2021; accepted on 30 November 2021
Eggplant is a traditional crop in the department of Córdoba. One of the main producing regions is the population of El Retiro de los Indios, which supplies local genotype fruits both to local markets and to the Colombian Atlantic coast. In order to find out which are the main genotypes sown by farmers and how they obtain and preserve their seeds, a sample of 65 traditional farmers was taken from said population, who were given a descriptive personal survey with open response. It was established that 76% of the farmers sow the "Morada" genotype, 11% sow the "Lila" genotype, 8% sow the “Verde” genotype, 3% sow the “Picha de perro” genotype, and 2% sow the "Blanca de huevo" genotype. Regarding the obtaining, extraction and storage of seeds, all of the surveyed producers obtain the seeds of their own crops, extract them by the method of softening by rubbing the fruits on the ground, and keep them in glass bottles at which they add a tablespoon of ash.
Creole genotypes of aubergine; Rubbing the fruits on the ground; Extraction of seeds; Drying of seeds in the sun; Preservation of seeds in open storage; Eggplant
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