Decision support systems reimagined: Crafting project management solutions for the U.S. market

Excel G Chukwurah *

Governance and Protected Data Organization, Google LLC, United States of America.
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Updates, 2024, 07(02), 030–042.
Article DOI: 10.53430/ijmru.2024.7.2.0034
Publication history: 
Received on 03 March 2024; revised on 10 April 2024; accepted on 13 April 2024
Decision support systems (DSS) have long been integral to project management, aiding in complex decision-making processes. This review explores the reimagining of DSS, specifically tailored for the U.S. market. The evolution of project management practices, coupled with technological advancements, has led to a demand for more sophisticated and customizable DSS. This review delves into the innovative approaches and strategies for crafting project management solutions that cater to the unique needs of the U.S. market. The review begins by highlighting the importance of decision support systems in project management and the evolving landscape of project management practices in the U.S. market. It then discusses the challenges faced by traditional DSS in meeting the demands of modern project management, such as scalability, flexibility, and integration with other systems. Next, the review explores innovative approaches to reimagining DSS for the U.S. market. This includes the use of advanced analytics, artificial intelligence, and machine learning to enhance decision-making processes. It also discusses the importance of customization and adaptability in DSS to meet the specific needs of different project management contexts. Furthermore, the review examines the role of data governance and data quality in ensuring the effectiveness of DSS. It highlights the need for robust data management practices to ensure that DSS are based on accurate and reliable data. The review concludes by emphasizing the importance of continuous innovation in DSS to keep pace with the evolving needs of project management in the U.S. market. It also discusses the potential benefits of reimagined DSS, such as improved project outcomes, increased efficiency, and enhanced decision-making capabilities. In summary, this review provides an overview of the reimagining of decision support systems for project management in the U.S. market. It explores the challenges faced by traditional DSS, innovative approaches to reimagining DSS, and the potential benefits of reimagined DSS for project management in the U.S. market.


Decision; Support System; Reimagined; Crafting; Project Management Solutions
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