Assessing problem of student’s low participation in collaborative learning in English classroom the case of second year English major students at Hawassa University

Mulugeta Dagnew Yimer *

Kebri Dehar University, Ethiopia College of social science and Humanities Department of English language and literature.
Research Article
International Journal of Life Science Research Updates, 2022, 01(01), 033–040.
Article DOI: 10.53430/ijlsru.2022.1.1.0025
Publication history: 
Received on 13 December 2021; revised on 09 January 2022; accepted on 11 January 2022
The purpose of this study was to assess problems of students collaborative learning in English classroom of second year English Major students at Hawassa University. The paper contains five (5) chapters. To conduct the study, the researcher took18 students and 4 teachers with simple random sampling technique and purposive sampling technique respectively to get relevant or specific information. To find out the required information the researcher prepared interview, classroom observations , open ended and close ended questionnaire and distributed them for the desired sample. After collecting the data, the researcher organized it through quantitative and qualitative methods by using descriptive statements and table percentages respectively. Finally, according to findings, like lack of previous experience or background knowledge and low interest of the students in collaborative discussion was taken as a conclusion part, whereas providing or initiation for the learners on how the collaborative discussion benefits them, arranging tutorial programs for learners to involving as they try to speak English outside of the class and establishing English language clubs to improve the students’ communication skill were recommended by the researcher.
Collaborative; Low participation; Challenges; Performance; Interactive
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