A review on consequences of climate change in Pakistan

Aiman Shah, Rabia Naveed, Iqra Khalid, Aisha Khan *

Abdullah Wali Khan University, Mardan, Pakistan, University of Engineering and Technology, University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore, Pakistan.
International Journal of Engineering Research Updates, 2021, 01(01), 026–042.
Article DOI: 10.53430/ijeru.2021.1.1.0054
Publication history: 
Received on 07 March 2021; revised on 10 April 2021; accepted on 12 April 2021
PAKISTAN is the seventh-most vulnerable country to climate change according to German watch, a think tank advocating for measures to combat climate change. People from across the country often discuss the unbearable heat everyone has been experiencing — an everyday topic in every household and workplace. Not only that, it is also a hot global debate. We often hear our politicians talking about Pakistan’s vulnerability to climate crises, but how much the government and its subjects act upon it, is more contestable than questionable. Besides war in different parts of the world, climate change is the biggest concern that we all have, not only for the security of this generation but also for the survival of the next. Some of the repercussions that we are already seeing are frequent heat waves, floods, melting glaciers, drought and famine. This research paper is qualitative in nature which described the current situation and consequnces which climate change is bringing in Pakistan. The Paper also discusses the way forward to be adopted.
Threat; Pakistan; Paris Agreement; Crisis; Finance
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