Food bank in the context of humanitarian assistance supply chain: Systematic research

Thiago de Souza Borges Ordeno *, Nathalia Holanda de Assumpção, Juliano Bertolotti Moura and Márcia Marcondes Altimari Samed

Department of Industrial Engineering, State University of Maringá, Brazil.
Research Article
International Journal of Engineering Research Updates, 2021, 01(02), 015–028.
Article DOI: 10.53430/ijeru.2021.1.2.0052
Publication history: 
Received on 18 October 2021; revised on 24 November 2021; accepted on 26 November 2021
This article presents a Systematic Bibliographic Research intending to collect, select, examine, understand, and synthesize the current publications on Food Bank in the context of the humanitarian assistance supply chain and, thus, establishing a scientific theoretical foundation on the subject. The analyzes performed were both quantitative and qualitative. The results indicate the evolution of publications in the last ten years, the main journals, among other quantitative data. Qualitatively, the articles were classified according to categories and subcategories defined in a specific protocol. Therefore, the results represent a synthesis of the main publications on the current state of knowledge about the Food Bank and intend to contribute to the identification of opportunities and trends for the development of future research.
Food bank; Humanitarian logistics; Humanitarian supply chain; Food security.
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