Assessing the effectiveness of health informatics tools in improving patient-centered care: A critical review
1 Health Information Analyst, Huntington WV U.S.A.
2 Department of Child Dental Health, Lagos State, University Teaching Hospital, Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria.
3 Ohio Dominican University, Columbus Ohio, USA.
International Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research Updates, 2024, 02(02), 001–011.
Article DOI: 10.53430/ijcpru.2024.2.2.0022
Publication history:
Received on 28 February 2024; revised on 07 April 2024; accepted on 09 April 2024
In contemporary healthcare, the integration of health informatics tools has become increasingly prevalent, aiming to enhance patient-centered care delivery. This critical review examines the effectiveness of such tools in achieving this objective. By analyzing existing literature, this review synthesizes evidence on the impact of health informatics tools on patient-centered care outcomes. The review encompasses various aspects of health informatics tools, including electronic health records (EHRs), telehealth platforms, mobile health applications, and patient portals. It evaluates their role in facilitating communication between patients and healthcare providers, supporting shared decision-making, improving care coordination, and enhancing patient engagement. Findings from the review indicate that health informatics tools have the potential to positively influence patient-centered care delivery. EHRs enable comprehensive documentation of patient information, enhancing care coordination and continuity across healthcare settings. Telehealth platforms offer convenient access to care, particularly for underserved populations and those with limited mobility. Mobile health applications empower patients to actively participate in their care management, facilitating self-monitoring and adherence to treatment regimens. Patient portals foster communication between patients and providers, enabling secure messaging, appointment scheduling, and access to health information. However, the review also identifies challenges and limitations associated with the implementation of health informatics tools. These include concerns regarding data privacy and security, disparities in digital health literacy, and barriers to interoperability among different systems. Additionally, the effectiveness of these tools in improving health outcomes and patient satisfaction may vary depending on factors such as user engagement, workflow integration, and organizational support. In conclusion, while health informatics tools hold promise for enhancing patient-centered care, their implementation requires careful consideration of various factors to maximize effectiveness and address potential challenges. Future research should focus on addressing existing gaps in knowledge and exploring innovative approaches to leverage these tools effectively in healthcare delivery.
Effectiveness; Health; Informatic Tools; Patient-Centered Care; Improving
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