A study of the corrosion rate in oil and gas pipelines by weight loss
1 Department of Chemistry, Benghazi University, Alkufra, Libya.
2 Internal corrosion engineers, The bright star, Ajdabiya, Libya.
Research Article
International Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research Updates, 2023, 01(01), 016–024.
Article DOI: 10.53430/ijcpru.2023.1.1.0046
Publication history:
Received on 19 August 2023; revised on 08 October 2023; accepted on 11 October 2023
Corrosion phenomena means to the deterioration of metallic materials due to chemical and electrochemical reactions, because these materials are always trying to reach a state of lower energy potential, . the sole resource in most of the . In this study, The main objectives of this research are to further broaden the mechanistic understanding of. The traditional weight difference method was used to calculate corrosion rates Metal used .The sample metal used was a bar-shaped low-alloy steel labeled B It is used in the oil fields in the form of conveyor pipes inside refineries. And it was analyzed Chemically and using a spectrophotometer This study presents an overview of the corrosion threat to gas and liquid pipelines by Weight loss method .The results of the study found that there was a loss in weight for the samples used during a period that ranged between( 92 days , 145 days and 198 days), and this loss ranged during the overall samples from(0.001-0.8847) grams. The amount of weight loss indicates the rate of corrosion of the pipes and the presence of corrosion. Corrosion rates ranged(8.4143 -0.004) MPY.
Corrosion; Pipes spectrophotometer; Weight loss method
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