Quality control assessment of different selective brands of famotidine and cimetidine

Uzma Yasmeen *, Ghulam Razaque, Noman Ul Haq, Nisar Ahmed Shahwani, Muhammad Arsalan, Ghulam Mustafa shahwani, Rasheed Ahmed, Abdul Ghaffar, Naila Masood and Abdullah

Faculty of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, University of Balochistan, Quetta, Pakistan.
Research Article
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Updates, 2021, 02(01), 001–011.
Article DOI: 10.53430/ijmru.2021.2.1.0039
Publication history: 
Received on 01 September 2021; revised on 13 October 2021; accepted on 15 October 2021
Famotidine reduces the production of stomach acid. The pharmacological action of this drug is to treat the acid production which are related to gastrointestinal conditions. As famotidine is accessible in both medicine and (OTC) over the counter drug it is used in the GERD gastro -esophageal for the gastric and duodenal ulcer both. Cimetidine is a H2 receptor drug used to treat the stomach diseases like peptic ulcer while in other countries there is exemption to the POM class where for the momentary symptomatic help of acid reflux, hyperacidity, and dyspepsia. The main purpose of this research was to check the physical and chemical quality control studies of different brands of cimetidine and famotidine brands which are available in the market of Quetta Baluchistan city and mostly prescribed by different prescribers. Different brands were selected of cimetidine were Tagamet, Comet, Cimepha and Famotidine brands were Bessfam, Famot, H2F, Zepsin and Ulfam. The Physiochemical studies of selected brands were analyzed which includes Friability, Weight variation, Thickness, Hardness, Disintegration, Dissolution and all brands were compared with each other. The physiochemical properties results of selected different market brand cimetidine and Famotidine when compare each brand with each other these indicated that all selected brands were according to the limits which were in acceptable range and compliance the qualifications of BP and USP. It is concluded that this type of research may be conducted to check the different brands of different formulations not only tablet for all the different formulations may be examined accordingly and compared with the specification. This type research may will give accurate information to the prescriber drug regulatory authorities as well as to manufacturers for best formulations available in the market and the results which are not according to the limits may be pointed out and inform to the regulatory authorities.
Famotidine; Cimetidine; Quality Control; BP; USP
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